Monday, May 24, 2010

*Recipe Alert* Bisquick Crockpot (Any) Fruit Cobbler

I love my Crock Pot, but I especially love it for desserts!  Cobbler has always been my favorite.  As a little girl, I remember waiting for my Mama's Peach Cobbler to hit the table.  The aroma of the peaches & juice bubbling around that golden, bubbly crust were even then, all too much to bear...but when Mama topped that bowl of goodness off with a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream, even I as a young child,  knew she was on to something great.

I prefer cobbler the old-fashioned way, but for a week night treat, this one is just too awesome to pass up.  I hope you enjoy!!!

Easy Canned Fruit/Bisquick Cobbler

Spray Slow Cooker with Non-Stick Spray
Mix 1-2 cans Comstock Fruit & Sugar together (You can use fresh, just add sugar, touch of water and simmer'll get the same consistency as you do in the canned stuff)
Spread Fruit Filling into bottom of Crock Pot

Mix Baking Mix, 1/4 Cup Sugar, Dash of Cinnamon, Butter & Milk as directed on box and drop in spoofulls on top of the fruit. 

Cook on high for 3-4 hours. You'll know it's done once dough is golden brown and fruit filling is bubbly... Don't forget the ice cream!

If you have a large slow cooker, just double the recipe for the dough and use 2 cans of fruit filling.  Don't forget, cooking times vary with slow cookers, so watch this recipe the first time you make it!!!

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do!  It really is to die for.  MMMMM.....

*Remember...Your life is way more than average, so go out and live it in a BIG way!!!