Thursday, May 20, 2010

Do You Remember Your First Time???

Do you remember your first time?  The bittersweet satisfaction of knowing that you've just done something so totally awesome and wondering why it took you so long to give into such ridiculous desires, the desire to save money.  The sharp sounds of scissors gliding through paper, clip after clip.  The bargains just screaming out for your attention to use them! 

We're all guilty of it. We've all heard the excuses and sadly, we've used them ourselves! We've all seen the self-described "Coupon Queens" on talk shows with that twinkle in their eye and the perkiness of their voice that makes you drift back to the tent revivals of old. Boy, have they got a testimony and man, they'll die to share it!

I'll admit, I've used the excuses myself. Man, I love my kids. My kids are my most precious joy, but if you've met my children then you would totally get why I would look at you as if you were some enraged circus monkey if you had suggested to me about 2 months ago to start clipping coupons. Like I have the time!!! What mother with children such as mine has the time to clip coupons??!?!?!??!

About two months ago, I was browsing through Food Lion and had just gotten on the phone with my Mama. All of you know that getting through the grocery store with two youngsters without pulling your hair out is success---but you're pushing it when you try to add in the occasional adult conversation. Once that kid sees the phone up to your ear, it's like a ticket to go bananas.

Donalyn had talked me into NOT putting her into the cart this trip, so as I was talking to my Mom, Dora the Explorer's shining face beckoned for my daughter's attention from a can of Chicken Noodle Soup and she went flying! So, I hurriedly ended the conversation with my Mom, leaving cart and all to chase down my mini "Idgie Threadgoode". Of course, when I got to her she was begging for that can of soup. I was about to say "no", but then this ticket of endless possibilities gleamed up at me... it was a coupon for $1.50 off 2 cans of Chicken Noodle Soup! They were already MVP at 2 for $1, my mind, I would "maybe" be getting 50 cents back for getting 2 cans of soup?? So, I grabbed the soup, the coupon and my children, leaving my buggy behind (don't judge me, we've all done that before) and announced to the kiddos that it was a Grilled Cheese and Soup kinda night!

 I got to the counter and paid 55 cents for my purchase that day, oh I forgot to mention, I grabbed a loaf of bread for a, it's a necessity for Grilled Cheese....

As we got into the car, I realized just how much money I had been throwing away for all these years! 9 years of being mother and I very rarely looked and coupons, in fact, I hated the thought of toting those suckers around. How petty of me? I now carry a gallon sized bag of coupons around in my "mommy purse" that can't weigh no more than a small teddy bear!  Looking back now, how shabby of me!

As the kids were eating, you would have thought we had a four-star meal in this house. The kids loved it and of course I smiled, knowing that it cost me just as much as a can of soda.

That night, as I put my darlings to bed, they commented on how fun dinner was and asked if we could do it again. My response? Most Definitely! I couldn't help but smile as I cuddled up to my hubby while watching Brothers & Sisters...clipping those coupons.


Donna Lynn

OK..After our conversation this morning you about gave your Mommie Me a full blown Southern Heart Attack without the luxury of any fats or sugars...I was literally shaking when i saw the title and after i got over my 10 minute coughing fit i was sooo glad it was about How to save!!!