Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Go-Green Cleaning Recipes!

I must admit,  I love Lysol and Febreze.  If I didn't have those two things readily on hand for my home, I just might go crazy.  Lysol kills the germs and Febreze just makes everything smell amazing IF used on a regular basis.   However, having birds in my home with sensitive lungs, those are my only 2 guilty pleasures when it comes to cleaning products.  Everything else I use to clean my home, is made right here at home.   They're all (almost) natural and are virtually harmless to not only animals, but children.  Not to mention, they cost pennies to make!

Below are some of the Cleaning Recipes that I use in my home.  I hope you find them helpful to your family and give them a try.  They all are guaranteed to work and you definitely save money from not buying all the other "pricey" cleaners.

The worst rooms of all to me are the Kitchen & Bathroom.  For an easy cleaner simply  mix one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts water in a spray bottle and spray.  For more hard to clean or "moldy" places in your bathroom, allow the cleaner to sit for an hour before wiping.  You can also use this after each shower and spray just as you would those commercial brands to keep the mold and mildew at bay until your next cleaning.

For toilets, you can combine 2 tsp. of baking soda to a half cup of vinegar and scrub away. OR a can of coca-cola poured into the toilet, allowed to sit 20 minutes will suds up and do the trick. If coke does that for toilets, imagine what it does to your gut...YUCK!

Carpet stains are easy to get rid of, simply mix equal parts vinegar and water and allow it to sit on the stain for 15 minutes before blotting up with a clean towel.

For a household disinfectant cleaner mix  2 teaspoons borax, 4 tablespoons vinegar and 3 cups hot water and pour into spray bottle.  This recipe can be used on all the surfaces that you would need to disinfect in your home such as tables, counters, sinks, etc.  It's guaranteed to kill germs better than most commercial brands.

To clean linoleum floors, just  add 1 cup of vinegar and 2 drops of baby oil to a gallon bucket of water.  For heavier jobs, add 2 tbsp. of borax.

Dusting can be a breeze, just  use  2 drops of lemon oil combined with a half cup of water in a spray bottle.  Apply spray to clean towel and dust as usual.

A house that smells great already seems clean, so for natural air fresheners, I like to use natural oils.  I dab my faves such as lemon, onto a cotton ball and place in high traffic areas of my home where no one else can see them.  They need to be changed about every 3 days, but they work great.  I also spray my fave perfume onto the light bulbs...MAKE SURE THE LIGHT IS OFF, otherwise your personality will not be your only electrifying trait!  Once the scent is dry and the light turned on, it will radiate through your entire home.

I hope you guys enjoy these easy green cleaning tips!  They work for my family, I hope they work for yours!!!

*'s your life, so go out and live it in a BIG way!



awesome! thanks for those cleaning recipes! i will be sure to use some of them and i love love love the light bulb thing. amazing! thanks girl!