Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Long Time Coming

For over four years now I have wanted to do this...start a blog.  I can't believe how easy it was to actually burst through the blogosphere doors!  So, I'm all moved in, now I just have to unpack the boxes and get nestled into the world of blogging!

For many years now, some of my close friends have been asking me to do this, so I've reached that point in my life where I am ready to oblige.  :o)

I look forward to sharing secrets, tips, stories and having the occasional venting session with you, should you choose to follow me on this journey.  Most of you know, I am never short on words and very rarely hold my I welcome you to my "happy place".

If you have anything questions that you want answered or topics that you'd like my opinion on, please email me or leave a comment here and I will do my best to get to them. 

I look forward to posting money saving ideas, "go-green" tips, yard sale adventures, plus size do's & don'ts, etc.

I was hesitant about starting this in fear that the title might offend, like I said this has been 4 years in the making; but ya know, I am bound to offend someone at some point during this ride and if I do, just roll with it and please don't take everything seriously!  :o)

Welcome to my little neck of the woods...  Feel free to make yourself at home!


Donna Lynn

Congratulations Baby Girl!!! As always I am your first and biggest follower ...I hope you like your new home and make many new friends..Always be kind and remember once the words are out there you cant take them back...I love you and I am so very proud of you...Now how about some recipes ??? You should put some of our yard sale adventures in here as well. I like your new digs..Love u..Mommie me..


Hy Kristen! I look forward to following your blog!


Hey girl I think this is awesome and so u!!! I laugh everyday at ur comments and post on facebook and enjoy our debates and discussions!!! I have also gave this blog out already for my sister and others to follow! Make me proud and be that awesome person that u are!!!


Kristen I am so proud of u.....You were destined to be a writer or I so enjoy our debates and discussions we have and look forward to reading your blog and commenting on them.As u know I