Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cool Web Alert: Summer Games

Most of you Mama's are well aware that we've just about hit the middle of summer. The ideas for our kids are wearing off and the fun's dying down. I for one, can't wait for that big yellow bus to come and pick my children up for their new year of education!! As much as I enjoy them and cherish every moment of summer, I feel a school with an excellent teacher is just what they need to keep their minds sharp and their mama sane!

We do a lot of outdoor activities in the summer. To this Mama, there's nothing more fun than putting on play clothes and heading out back to get dirty. We've had many outdoor projects going on around the Dearing House to keep our kiddos busy and productive; but fun's a must to!

I've stumbled across this website: , and it's loaded full of games from my childhood, that this Mama has seemed to forgotten along the way and I know that my kids will enjoy. They don't involve supplies or money...just a backyard and tons of giggles!

I don't know about you, but I'm gonna snag my babies up for a game of "Tomato" and enjoy the laughs and fun time with my kids! They don't care how much money you spend on an activity, they just want you there. So put on your play clothes, grab your cooler filled with water and go for it!!!

*Remember...Your life is way more than average, so go out and live it in a BIG way!